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MissionTogetherAdventCal2018 (JPEG, 288 Kb, 960x799)

Mission Together has created new liturgies, assemblies and craft activities for 2018 to help primary age groups journey through Advent.

Some of the new resources reference Biblical locations featured in their 2018-19 'Together in Jordan' campaign poster. This enables children to follow the journey made...

ApplePodcastingLogo 150x150 (PNG, 22 Kb, 150x150)

Recommended Podcasts?

Thu, 21 May 2015

There are loads of great Catholic Podcasts out there, below is a list of some of the best ones we've come across, and those recommended to us by others!

One of our favourites is Pray as you Go, a great way to focus yourself on the way to work, and it's something I've used with staff in schools and know...