Recommended Podcasts?

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Recommended Podcasts?

There are loads of great Catholic Podcasts out there, below is a list of some of the best ones we've come across, and those recommended to us by others!

One of our favourites is Pray as you Go, a great way to focus yourself on the way to work, and it's something I've used with staff in schools and know that others regularly do the same.

The Bishops Conference of England and Wales also produce podcasts, sometimes quite occasionally, sometimes they have many through Advent or Lent.

Busted Halo also create podcasts (among everything else they do, and there have been loads of them created and archived on their site!). Well worth having a listen to!

God in All Things is a podcast about Ignatian Spirituality, unlike some of the other podcasts its relatively short, so you don't need to carve out lots of time to listen to it. You can search on iTunes for it, or find it on stitcher here.

Catholic Comment Podcast is a project of Creighton University in the US and has a wide variety of topics from explorations of different Gospels, to stories about the building on some of the world most famous Cathedrals.

American Magazine in the states produces a regular podcast with lots of interesting guests, have a listen here.

The Catholic Herald put them out fairly regularly too, either google it to find the individual ones on their site, of find them in iTunes here.

Youcast is a project, now archived, but still accessible that the Editor Emeritus of this website was involved in, check them out here!

Thanks to James Potter for recommending many of these, if you know of any more not included do get in touch!