Cafod ‘Mountain Top Moments’ Resources

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Cafod ‘Mountain Top Moments’ Resources

CAFOD has two new films available to use with young people when they have experienced a faith-filled 'mountain top moment', typically after a retreat, a pilgrimage or an event like Flame, World Youth Day or Brightlights. The downloadable videos are supported by a pdf resource with activities to help young people explore the issues raised in the films, and encourage them to get involved in something that inspires them, to make a difference, to take action.

One film is a beautiful and challenging poem by Rachel Mannix, an artist who creates spoken word poetry. The other inspires people to become young leaders, exploring the thoughts of four young people on having an amazing faith experience, and taking up their challenge for others to become young leaders, using their talents to start a change.

Although these resources are produced by CAFOD, the content is intentionally open to encourage young people to consider and engage with a wide variety of actions.
Youth leaders and chaplains in Catholic schools, parishes and Catholic youth ministry settings could use the resources as part of a prayer, reflection or liturgy. It could provide inspiration for young people planning activities to put their faith into action, particularly after a 'mountain top' faith experience, Confirmation or as part of their CYMFed Faith in Action award.

Download the videos and pdf on the CAFOD website