
Filter our library of media-rich and useful resources to help guide and develop

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Diocese of Westminster Resource Collection (PNG, 5 Kb, 225x225)

The Youth Ministry service with the Diocese of Westminster have written and collected resources for youth work.

There are prayers, reflections and reflection videos, games and activities and much much more. Some resources also explain how the activity can be used for Catholic Social Teaching.

Education Sunday (PNG, 13 Kb, 516x93)

Education Sunday

Fri, 10 Sep 2021

Education Sunday is marked this year on 12 September – just after the new academic year starts. The theme for 2021 is 'A word in season', taken from Isaiah 50:4.
The link will take you to prayers and resources that might help with the services

Extra-Ordo-nary reflections (PNG, 258 Kb, 789x276)

Extra-Ordo-nary reflections

Fri, 10 Sep 2021

The team at The Briars with Nottingham Diocese Catholic Youth Service (NDCYS) create weekly reflections based on the Gospel of the week. They present a challenge for the week and give the opportunity for prayer and reflection as well. If you enjoy their videos, let them know by liking their videos, subscribing...