
Filter our library of media-rich and useful resources to help guide and develop

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Ao St Peter Assembly 2 Pic (JPEG, 83 Kb, 460x345)

Stella Maris (formerly The Apostleship of the Sea) has some great assembly and lesson plans based on the 'Apostle of the Slaves' on its website.

The resources are for Stage 2 and 3/4, and provide interesting material on his life and work, and on how the Apostleship of the Sea follows in his footsteps...

LampedusaCross (PNG, 184 Kb, 1167x827)

Caritas Social Action Network (CSAN), Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) and CAFOD have come together to produce a resource to enable the Catholic Community to reflect on the European refugee crisis, drawing inspiration from the famous Lampedusa crosses.

The Lampedusa crosses, hewn by an Italian carpenter from...

Face Of Your Mercy Feature Image E1456917197269 (PNG, 195 Kb, 580x326)

Inspired by Pope Francis' Apostolic Letter Misericordiae Vultus, CJM Music has produced a song available for free download.

Through its three verses, Face of Your Mercy, keeps the focus on the person of God the Father, whose mercy we see revealed in Christ, who calls us to be the face of God's mercy as...

Video: Catholic Social Teaching In 3 Minutes (PNG, 186 Kb, 1474x809)

Catholic Social Teaching in 3 minutes is a fast-paced animation from CAFOD introducing CST for young people. It can be used in classrooms, RE lessons, with youth groups, and particularly fits with Year 8 Unit 6 People of God: Called to Serve RE framework for 11-14s.

SouthwarkStationsLent (JPEG, 45 Kb, 600x600)

Stations Of The Cross

Mon, 22 Feb 2016

Stations of the Cross in the Year of Mercy, with Fr Nick King SJ, produced by Southwark Catholic Youth Service.

These can be used for individual prayer and reflection via the podcast, or in larger groups using the videos.

Podcasts and videos are here

Psalms For Lent Year C E1454375380159 (JPEG, 51 Kb, 580x303)

CJM Music has settings for each of the five Sundays of lent – and they are free to download.

On Ash Wednesday and the first Sunday of Lent, the psalm texts seem to speak more of our need for God's mercy. The remaining Sunday's of Year C, as we hear Luke's account of the Transfiguration and other...