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This is one of the oldest tricks in the youth ministry playbook, and one of the best. It's a great way to get young people praying.You will need a candle that can be passed round – preferably one in a jar. Sit the group in a circle and begin your time of prayer with the Sign of the Cross. Explain...

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Prayer #6 – Letter To God

Fri, 19 Dec 2014

One simple idea which can really help young people to pray is to invite them to write a letter to God… Set an atmosphere, get them relaxed and quiet and give them pens and paper. Put some gentle background music on and invite them to write a letter to God. It can be about anything they want: Asking...

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This is an old worship leaders' method, and it's very effective. It's sort of a combination of personal prayer and collective Praise & Worship.During a reflective or prayerful time get the young people singing a worship song. Preferably the sort of song that's fairly repetitive. At key points in...