
Filter our library of media-rich and useful resources to help guide and develop

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Comic 300x113 (PNG, 17 Kb, 300x113)

This 60 min+ workshop for young people from CAFOD explores how comics are used for campaigning around the world and gives young people the opportunity to create their own. You can find all the resources here.

Amy Project Success Stories SiLENT (JPEG, 75 Kb, 1024x768)

Million Minutes develops new and innovative projects that help empower young people, inspired by the principles of Catholic social teaching, to reach out to those in need. Pictured above is Amy (from For Jimmy) a recipient of siLENT.

They're offering assemblies and workshops to Catholic schools in England...

SYMEventSalesianAppToWkingInSchools 500 (JPEG, 68 Kb, 500x356)

Salesian Youth Ministry is inviting everyone who works with young people in schools or similar settings to an online event on Wednesday 20 May, at 11:00 am (UK time!), via Zoom. The session will be led by Alison Burrowes, who is the Catholic Education Service's North West Hub Development Officer for...