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Ao St Peter Assembly 2 Pic (JPEG, 83 Kb, 460x345)

Stella Maris (formerly The Apostleship of the Sea) has some great assembly and lesson plans based on the 'Apostle of the Slaves' on its website.

The resources are for Stage 2 and 3/4, and provide interesting material on his life and work, and on how the Apostleship of the Sea follows in his footsteps...

LampedusaCross (PNG, 184 Kb, 1167x827)

Caritas Social Action Network (CSAN), Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) and CAFOD have come together to produce a resource to enable the Catholic Community to reflect on the European refugee crisis, drawing inspiration from the famous Lampedusa crosses.

The Lampedusa crosses, hewn by an Italian carpenter from...