Fan The Flame #3 – Million Minutes

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Fan The Flame #3 – Million Minutes

Next in our series of things you might want to do to Fan the Flame, we"d like to remind you about the awesome Million Minutes charity. We've given Million Minutes a permanent spot in out coveted page footer, but it's worth a brief article too. Here's what the website says:

Million Minutes is a charity enabling youth action and advocacy activities that give voice and support to young people (aged up to 25) to transform their lives and their world. That"s because young people"s energy and vibrancy is astonishing. We have faith in young people. We see a world in which young people enable the transformation needed for everyone to live a life of dignity.

So this year we're inviting young people and those who support them to create a million minutes of silence as an expression of solidarity and as a way to raise money. The money will be used to provide grants for new and existing projects throughout England and Wales as well as overseas. Have a look.