Music For Lent From Cjm Music

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Music For Lent From Cjm Music

CJM Music has settings for each of the five Sundays of lent – and they are free to download.

On Ash Wednesday and the first Sunday of Lent, the psalm texts seem to speak more of our need for God's mercy. The remaining Sunday's of Year C, as we hear Luke's account of the Transfiguration and other texts from Luke about conversion, the psalms invite us to "see the goodness of the Lord."

Of course, the Psalms can be prayed and sung outside of Mass too. Sing them during morning prayer and assembly; in the classroom or staffroom, during Children's Liturgy of the Word. And make the most of them during your Lenten Reconciliation Services.

Download here

Putting together a service of reconciliation? See these ideas for songs of mercy and reconciliation.