New A-Level Religious Studies Lesson From Pax Christi

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New A-Level Religious Studies Lesson From Pax Christi

The second in Pax Christi's series of lesson plans and materials for A-level Religious Studies explores various forms of pacifism by looking at the lives of Christian men and women who have resisted war and violence.

By examining the lives of Christian men and women who have resisted war and violence this lesson explores pacifism in its various forms. It examines their motivation, the effectiveness of their actions, and the limits to their pacifism.
This lesson will enable students to understand different concepts of pacifism and the practicality of them.

The first lesson in the series looked at the contribution of Christian theology to issues of war and peace, examining the major strands in Christian thinking on the issues and the ongoing influence these ideas have.

The series of A-level lessons has been jointly produced by Pax Christi and Quakers in Britain and can be downloaded from the Pax Christi website